Planner - calendar MIDI SPIRAL CARDBOARD, 95x170mm, AMBER PATTERN
Reference : UZ-KV-2417518-867
Similar/analogous goods
- Planner - calendar MIDI SPIRAL CARDBOARD.
- Small planner designed for detailed scheduling of tasks and meetings.
- Cardboard cover.
- Weekly layout on two pages.
- Colored text and perforated page corners.
- Languages: Lithuanian, English.
- Binding: spiral.
- The calendar includes: public holidays, name days, public holidays of 38 countries with abbreviations, sunrise and sunset times, moon phases, zodiac signs, mini calendar, and week numbers.
- Additional pages: personal data, yearly plan, note pages, full-year calendar, distances between cities, world times, and Lithuanian city and international phone codes.
- Closed cover dimensions: 95 x 170 mm.
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