Jura E8

Reference : AP-KAV-15583
€1,299.00 / pcs.
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Pristatymas per 3 d. d. (3,99 €)
Stock status: 2 pcs.

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  • The latest generation E8 meets the highest standards in all aspects for the new line of JURA's most successful coffee machine model
  • It is incredibly easy to use, always delivers a perfect result in the cup, and stands out with an elegant modern design
  • The E8 coffee machine allows you to prepare a variety of flawless classic and specialty coffee drinks
  • Its range of drinks includes 17 different options – from pure and simple coffee to coffee drinks with milk foam
  • All options are selectable at the touch of a button. Each coffee drink can be customized according to individual taste and desired cup size
  • Advanced technologies optimize the coffee extraction process, allowing the coffee aroma to fully develop, regardless of the coffee bean blend or roast level. Thus, perfect taste is always guaranteed

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