Jura coffee machine W8
Reference : AP-KAV-15550
Similar/analogous goods
- Compact and versatile choice
- One of the best features of the compact W8 is its versatility: the menu includes 17 types of coffee drinks, all prepared to perfection
- Exceptional performance is enhanced by components like the professional-grade "Aroma" grinder (P.A.G.2) and fine foam technology
- This coffee machine not only boasts outstanding features but is also incredibly easy to use: a clearly arranged menu, intuitive navigation, and the smart "Coffee Eye" cup sensor make it easy for all coffee enthusiasts to operate
- This professional coffee machine offers numerous advantages for operators, including automatic milk system cleaning, the option to lock the coffee bean container and water tank, customizable program functions, and compatibility with various payment systems
- The W8 is ideal for offices, retail spaces, and businesses where up to 50 coffee drinks need to be prepared daily
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Savanorių pr.180C
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Šilalė (Centrinis sandėlis)
Pūtvės Pilies str. 3
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