Jura coffee machine

Reference : AP-KAV-15546
€3,499.00 / pcs.
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Pristatymas per 3 d. d. (3,99 €)
Stock status: 3 pcs.

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  • Professional coffee machine for preparing hot and cold coffee drinks – versatile, durable, and reliable
  • The X10 sets new standards, offering variety and innovation
  • It features an impressive selection of 35 coffee drinks, including 9 made through cold extraction
  • The fully automatic cold extraction process is a unique feature of the X10, bringing refreshing cold brew drinks to the professional coffee preparation sector
  • The versatile X10 can also prepare larger-volume coffee drinks, such as Americano or lungo, which require more water
  • With the "One Touch Lungo" function, coffee drinks can be prepared with a single touch
  • Beyond the wide range of drinks, the P.A.G.2+ grinder and professional-grade coffee machine functions are impressive
  • The X10 is easy to operate with a color screen and physical buttons, making it accessible to everyone
  • The X10 is ideal for offices, self-service areas, or catering establishments needing up to 100 drinks per day

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