Tea AHMAD ENERGY 20x1.5g

Reference : MS-AR-00432
€4.50 / pcs.
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Pristatymas per 3 d. d. (3,99 €)
Stock status: 17 pcs.
  • Sometimes we need a little help to feel refreshed when we wake up.
  • That's exactly what "Energy Infusion" tea is created for.
  • A bold blend of mate, mint, grapefruit, and lemongrass with caffeine to boost your energy.
  • On sluggish days, improve your mood by enjoying this invigorating fruit and herbal tea.
  • The tea masters began crafting this energy-boosting blend with mate.
  • Herbal tea ("mate") is a traditional hot drink in South America made from the leaves of the Paraguayan holly bush.
  • With its refreshing herbal flavor, this tea is a great alternative to black tea.
  • To enhance the energizing properties, we've added guarana seeds (which contain more than twice the caffeine of coffee beans!) and vitamin B6, which helps reduce fatigue.
  • The box contains 20 tea bags, each weighing 1.5g.

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