Notebook TALSU for class 1 12 sheets, 80g line
Reference : UZ-SA12-471721
Data sheet
- Lapų kiekis - 12 lapų
- Tipas - Linijomis
Similar/analogous goods
- School notebook with pages on the side.
- For Class 1 with special lines of the required size.
- A5 wider format (165 x 205) mm.
- Lines.
- 12 sheets.
- Sheet weight: 80 g / m2.
- Paperback.
- Inner leaves with margins on both sides.
- Covers of various motifs (will be chosen at random).
- In the package: 25 pcs.
The shade of the product may differ from what is seen in the photo. The description of the product is of a general nature and does not necessarily mention all the features of the product. The prices of goods and promotions published in the online store may differ from the prices of goods applied in trade and service centers. The balance of the goods in the warehouse and the online store may not coincide in exceptional cases, therefore there is a possibility that delivery times may differ from those specified at the time of placing the order and / or we will not be able to fulfill your order or fulfill only part of it (in such cases, the Buyer is immediately notified).
Savanorių pr.180C
Stock status:
19 pcs.
Chemijos g.17a
Stock status:
120 pcs.
Priestočio g. 1a
Stock status:
73 pcs.
Respublikos g. 21
Stock status:
197 pcs.
Tilžės g. 82a
Stock status:
217 pcs.
J. Tumo-Vaižganto g. 124-1
Stock status:
46 pcs.
Vasario 16-osios g. 21
Stock status:
108 pcs.
Vytauto Didžiojo g. 3a
Stock status:
67 pcs.
Basanavičiaus g. 6
Stock status:
135 pcs.
Šilalė (Centrinis sandėlis)
Pūtvės Pilies str. 3
Stock status:
854 pcs.